SMART VORTEX was a Large Integrated Project co-financed by the European Union within the Seventh Framework Programme in the field of Content and Semantics. SMART VORTEX is an industrial supported project, assisting enterprises optimizing their business models in order to establish a stronger relationship to the costumer during the life cycle of a product. It gains to transform the classic manufacturer-customer-relationship into a modern partnership inside of a virtual enterprise. The crucial technological challenges addressed by SMART VORTEX arise from two problem fields in implementation of modern business models. Products being used by clients have to be observed consistently in terms of ideal performance and functionality. For this it is necessary to observe the equipment in quasi real time. Here, the industry faces the problem that with the continued use of telematics the data volume grows up to gigabytes per second which is unmanageable with current methods used in IT companies. The project focusses on specific product-based data streams. Whether it comes to design or engineering, various data streams are analyzed by highly scalable Data Stream Management Systems throughout all phases of the product life cycle. This includes sensor data, simulation data, experimental data, test data, design data, multimedial collaboration data as well as high-level generated analysis data. The second issue concerns the effective and secure collaboration between companies and enterprises. SMART VORTEX aims to provide a technological infrastructure enabling cross-organizational collaboration. This infrastructure consists of interoperable tools, services and methods for intelligent management and data analysis. This offers support for decision makers and engineers in decision process. Since interaction here happens beyond company boundaries, SMART VORTEX specifically focusses on the control of exposed data in order to protect intellectual property. Along with 13 project partners, FTK contributes to the project and in addition to that also functions as scientific supervisor and collaborator. Furthermore, FTK realizes research and development in the field of technologies in support of cross-organizational collaboration.