Kulturrucksack NRW
The program “Kulturrucksack” (“Cultural Backpack”) organizes activities for children and young people aged 10 to 14 years so that they can learn about arts and culture, encouraging them to get creative with dance, music, drama, writing, moviemaking, painting and much more. The projects take place at youth community centres, theatres or museums, in the form of short workshops or longer projects, holiday activities or special trips and outings. The aim is to give as many as possible the chance to take part, which is why Cultural Backpack is at little or no cost to participants.
In 2016, 220 cities are involved in the program, which is run by the State of North Rhine-Westphalia’s Ministry of Family, Children, Youth, Culture and Sports.
The FTK has been entrusted with the maintenance of the website Kulturrucksack.NRW. This includes, among others, the further development of the central website, the production of design templates as well as editorial support. Aim of the region wide project of the Kulturrucksack.NRW is to open up cultural activities for free or at clearly lower costs for all children and teenagers.