EDISON – Building the data science profession
The EDISON vision is of a thriving dynamic market of data science professionals supporting, and moving between, disciplines, sectors and countries. Such professionals will excel at driving and exploiting scientific research infrastructures, laboratories and other data-intensive industries, and will do so in a manner that is fully integrated into organizational structures and over enhanced career paths.
The effective use of Data Science technologies requires new skills and demands for new professions, usually referred as the Data Scientist: an expert who is capable both to extract meaningful value from the data collected and also manage the whole lifecycle of Data, including supporting Scientific Data e-Infrastructures.
Objectives and Implementation of the EDISON project
A formal framework is being developed under the EDISON initiative that will enable practitioners, managers, recruiters and even prospective students to map out the essential and optional competences needed to establish a professional career path. The EDISON Framework will be developed with broad and deep engagement with others from industry, academia and policy-making bodies. The EDISON vision for building the data science profession will be enabled through the creation of a comprehensive framework for data science education and training.
The FTK will develop a community portal developed as a legacy of the project to host the material that will be produced by the project and form a communication hub for the interested parties that have been drawn together as a result of the initiative.
Project Partner
University of Amsterdam
University of Southampton
University of Stavanger
FTK – Forschungsinstitut für Telekommunikation und Kooperation e.V.
Engineering - Ingegneria Informatica s.p.a.
Inmark Europa SA.
European Grid Initiative (EGI.eu)
Contact information
Prof. Dr. Dominic Heutelbeck, +49 231-9750560