Natur- und Umweltschutzakademie

The FTK is responsible for the administration of all websites of the Environment and Nature Academy North Rhine-Westphalia. The administration includes the further development of the central website as well as other portals.

To create and strengthen the awareness for the nature and environment conservation as well as to inform and educate in this area – these are the objectives of the Environment and Nature Academy NRW (NUA) with its seat in Recklinghausen.

Since 2012 the FTK is in charge of the maintenance of the NUA NRW websites and is providing training for their employees in using the Content Management System TYPO3. In 2012 the FTK migrated the websites and content from a static HTML design into a dynamical editorial system.

In the course of the following years the FTK will support NUA.NRW with a renewed design-technical relaunch. Together with a strongly positioned team the FTK will realize these developments and provide technical consulting for the NUA.

since 2012